Use only pipelines and system components which are
• clean and dry inside (free from slag, swarf, rust and
phosphate coatings) and
• which are delivered with an air-tight seal.
Depending on the compressor versions, they are sup-
plied with blanking plates on the pipe connections or
shut-off valves. These must be removed before per-
forming the strength pressure and tightness tests and
commissioning the system.
The blanking plates are only designed to serve
as a transport protection. They are not suitable
as a separation between different system sec-
tions during the strength pressure test.
Mount pipelines in such a way that the compressor is
protected from flooding with oil or liquid refrigerant dur-
ing standstill. Follow the notes given in SH-170.
Cleaning filters and filter driers
For systems with rather long pipelines or for
brazing operations without protective gas:
Install the suction-side cleaning filter (mesh size
< 25 μm).
A suction-side cleaning filter must satisfy the following
• Mesh size 25 µm
• Filter with perforated metal tubes around the inside
and outside diameter
• Appropriate for bi-directional operation
Risk of compressor damage!
Generously sized filter dryers should be used to
ensure a high degree of dehydration and to
maintain the chemical stability of the circuit.
Make sure to choose a suitable quality (molecu-
lar sieves with specially adapted pore sizes).
Additional connections for evacuation
For an optimal evacuation capacity, it is recommended
to install generously-sized, lockable additional connec-
tions on the discharge and suction sides. Sections
locked by check valves must have separate connec-
Observe the following for all connections retrofitted on
the compressor
Risk of refrigerant loss!
Check the thread.
Carefully screw the adapter in and tighten it to
the prescribed tightening torque.
Test tightness before commissioning!
Pipes for FI cooling, ECO (economiser) and LI
(liquid injection)
Mounting of fine filters
These connections lead directly into compressor areas
with sensitive mechanics. Therefore a filter must be
mounted into each pipe if the system is not manufac-
tured in serial production.
Fixing the pipes sufficiently
An incorrect installation may lead to a very strong vibra-
tion of the pipework.
Risk of damages caused by vibrations!
Securely fasten each pipe.
Check the vibration behaviour during operation!
Fasten every pipe to the compressor by means of a re-
frigeration clamp. To do that, use the mounting holes
on the compressor, see connections on the following
14a: ECO line
14b: Liquid line for FI cooling (standard extent of deliv-
ery) and for optional LI connection
Risk of refrigerant loss!
Check the thread.
Screw in the adapter carefully with the required
tightening torque.
Test tightness before commissioning!
If the respective connecting valve is mounted at a later
time or is removed when mounting the pipe:
Risk of refrigerant loss!
Check the threads.
Screw in the adapter carefully with the required
tightening torque.
Test tightness before commissioning!