Risk of damage to the compressor!
The new oil has a great cleaning effect in the re-
frigerant circuit.
On the suction side, mount a cleaning filter suit-
able for bidirectional operation!
Mesh size: 25 µm
• Mount a filter for bidirectional operation with perfor-
ated metal tubes around the inside and outside dia-
meter of the filter element.
• After several operating hours: Change the oil filters
and cleaning filters.
• If needed, repeat the operation, see chapter Oil
Compressor start
For a detailed description, see ST-160, chapter Quick
Rotation direction test
The CSV. screw compressors start automatically in the
prescribed rotation direction. The common rotation dir-
ection test for screw compressors is not necessary.
10 s time delay
When switching the compressor on, the solenoid valve
for the FI cooling opens first. The compressor starts
with a time delay of 10 seconds.
Lubrication/oil level monitoring
• Check the lubrication of the compressor directly after
the compressor start.
The oil level must be visible in the zone of both sight
• Check the oil level repeatedly within the first hours of
During the start phase, oil foam may form but its level
should decrease at stable operating conditions. Other-
wise high proportions of liquid in the suction gas are
Risk of wet operation!
Maintain the discharge gas temperature well
above the condensing temperature: at least
20 K.
Risk of compressor failure due to liquid slug-
Before adding larger quantities of oil: check the
oil return!
Set high pressure and low pressure limiters (HP
+ LP)
Check exactly the cut-in and cut-out pressure values
according to the operating limits by testing them.
Setting the condenser pressure
• Set the condenser pressure so that the minimum
pressure difference is reached within 20 s after the
compressor start.
• Avoid quick pressure reduction via finely graduated
pressure control.
For application limits, see brochure SP-160 and
BITZER SOFTWARE from version 6.8.
Checking the operating data
• Evaporation temperature
• Suction gas temperature
• Condensing temperature
• Discharge gas temperature
– min. 20 K above condensing temperature
– max. 120°C on the outside of the discharge gas
• Oil temperature directly under the oil sight glass
• Cycling rate
• Current values
• Voltage
• Prepare data protocol.
For automatic data log and readout of these data, see
For application limits, see brochure SP-160 and
BITZER SOFTWARE from version 6.8.
Cycling rate between two compressor starts
The FI control forces a time lag of at least 5 minutes
between two compressor starts. Also respect this time
lag during test runs and maintenance work!