background image






Ref #’s   







         94 SAYFADIR / 




















































Asagida ki tanim ve tarifler,  






cercek urunden az da olsa farkilik gosterebilir  






Lutfen kullanimda gercek urunu esas aliniz.  






Telefon ozellikleri, not verilmeden degisebilir. 







Once lutfen Kullanim Klavuzu'nu okuyun 






Cihazi dogru kullanmak ve kullanima  






hazir duruma getirmek icin lutfen bu klavuzu okuyun. 







Otel / Moteller icin iyi seyler yapiyoruz .. 




Genel Bakis 

SIP kelimesi,  “Session Initiation Protokol” terminin bas harflerinden olusmaktadir. SIP telefon, “IP protokol 

tabanli iletisim agi”nda ses'in iletisim isini yapar. Aglara ornekler, LAN (Local Area Network), MAN 

Summary of Contents for HA988866TSD-IP

Page 1: da olsa farkilik gosterebilir Lutfen kullanimda gercek urunu esas aliniz Telefon ozellikleri not verilmeden degisebilir Once lutfen Kullanim Klavuzu nu okuyun Cihazi dogru kullanmak ve kullanima h...

Page 2: ...destegi Web ten parametre ayarlari HTTP uzerinden firmware in otomatik termin ve konfigurasyonu HTTP FTP uzerinden otomatik guncelleme Coklu Audio Codec destegi G 711A u G 723 1 G729a b G 722 aritmet...

Page 3: ...alari kontrol edin Eksik varsa bayiyi arayin 1 SIP Ana Kutu 2 Ahize 3 Ahize kordonu 4 Universal Guc Adaptoru sadece adaptor guc destegi icin 5 Turkce ve Ingilizcde bir kullanim kitapcigi 7 Ethernet Ka...

Page 4: ...Adaptor gucu Adaptorden cikan ucu POE kablonun adaptor giris prizine takin POE Modu Ethernet kablonun ucunu telefonun WAN port una takin ve diger ucunu da Pbx in POE portuna takin 3 4 Ses Kontrolu ve...

Page 5: ...3 Duvar montaj klibi 4 On karton 5 Plastic overlay 6 Hafiza tusu 7 Digital tusu 8 VOL 9 VOL 10 Kes tusu 11 Tekrar Cevir tusu 12 SPKR tusu 13 CONF tusu IP T model 14 HAT 2 tusu IP T model 15 Message tu...

Page 6: ...11 VOL 12 SPKR tusu 13 Hafiza tusu 14 MWL tusu 15 LAN port 16 Power port 17 WAN port 18 Ahize kordon girisi 68IP S T SIP Telefon On yuz Bakin Fig 4 1 3 HOLD LINE 1 SPKR MUTE FLASH REDIAL CONF VOL VOL...

Page 7: ...VOL SPKR tusu LINE 1 tusu 68IP T model LINE 2 tusu 68IP T de 10 Ses tusu 68IP S T SIP On yuz Bakin Fig 4 1 4 www bittelcom com 12 11 13 14 15 16 17 4 1 4 68IP T 68IP S 11 Pil yuvasi 12 Ahize kordon g...

Page 8: ...WAN Port 4 2 Fonksiyon tuslari Tus Ne ise yarar HIZLI CEVIRME TUSLARI Ahize elde tek dokunusla karton uzerinde ki otel servisileri otomatik cevrilir MUTE Gorusme aninda tusa basildiginda ses kesilir...

Page 9: ...ler gitmiyor HAT 1 LED Acik Hat 1 acik HAT 2 LED Acik Hat 2 acik CONF LED Acik 3 lu gorusme Web te Konfigurasyon Sifre tanimi 2 tip web kullanim alani vardir misafir girisi yonetici girisi Yonetim gir...

Page 10: ...SIP1 dir 4 Bu arayuzun WAN port u tanimida IP icin ilgili port LAN portu 66IP 67IP 68IP 69IP icin ilgili port WAN portudur Bu arayuzun LAN port u tanimida IP icin ilgili port PC portu 66IP 67IP 68IP 6...

Page 11: ...k Modu Static IP MODE SIP tedariki statik IP adresi verdiginde bunu secin Secimden sonra kullanici sunlari doldurmalidir static IP adresi subnet mask i gateway main domain name v s Sayet bilmiyor ise...

Page 12: ...Hesap Ayarlari Goruntu Ismi Set edildikten sonra aranan arayani gorebilir Ingilizce harfler mevcuttur Sunucu adres Sunucu adresi SIP kayit tanimlamalari domain name gibi adresleri destekler Sunucu Por...

Page 13: ...ok ise genel pencere ile acilir Username ADSL hesap numarasi girisi Password ADSL sifre girisi Not Set islemi bittikten sonra APPLY tusuna basin sonra telefon gerekli ayarlari kayit ve reboot edecekti...

Page 14: ...skesi O anki Gateway Aktif on ayar gateway IP si MAC adres MAC adres MAC Zamani almak MAC adresi alim tarihi WAN Ayari 1 Wan Ayari Gercek ortam icin uygun network mod unu secin Bakin 6 3 1 2 2 Bundan...

Page 15: ...LAN IP nin subnet mask ve IP tanimindan sonra Kullanici DHCP servis ayarlarinin gecerli olmasi icin PC yi yeniden baslatmalidir NAT Aktif NAT Kopruleme Modu Kullanmak bu islem telefonu PC port icin IP...

Page 16: ...f Serv i etkisiz yaparsa sistem ses ve data yi farkli gormeyecek ve butun paketler Ses VLAN ID sini etiket olarak kullanirlar 3 VLAN Baslama Ses Data VLAN etiket degismis olarak degisiklik gosterir an...

Page 17: ...icin kullanici bu sayfada dinamik IP ayarlarini gorup ayarlayabilir ve DHCP tablosunu da kontrol edebilir Fig 5 3 2 5 DHCP Sunucu DHCP Leased Tablo DHCP tahsisli IP MAC resmetme tablosu Telefonu PC p...

Page 18: ...Zaman bitis Sunucu nun senkron tipi icin fasila Sabit standart zaman 60s 12Saat Sistemi 12 Saat Sistemi ne gecmek Sabit standart 24Saat format idir SNTP Etkinlestirme kesme SNTP servisi Etkinlestirme...

Page 19: ...5 1 2 VOIP 5 1 2 1 SIP SIP Sunucu ayar konfigurasyonu asagidadir Fig 5 3 3 1 1 SIP Genel ayar Fig 5 3 3 1 2 SIP Gelismis SIP ayar SIP Hat Secimi...

Page 20: ...onfigurasyonu onlardan ayri ise Proxy Sunucu i konfigurasyon ve kaydini da ozel yapiniz Proxy Sunucu Portu Yapilandirma Proxy Sunucu Port u Proxy Kullanci Ismi Yapilandirma Proxy Sunucu Kullanici ismi...

Page 21: ...K Etkinlestirme Yapilandirma SIP PRACK destegi etkinlestirme veya etkinlestirmeme geri arama zil tonu renkledirme icin Tavsiye standart ayar Uzun Kontakt Yapilandirma Daha cok parametreli kontakt alan...

Page 22: ...Konus uygulama yazilimi gerekir Sinyal Encode u Yapilandirma Signal Enkod u Rtp Encode u Yapilandirma Rtp Enkod u Etkinlestirme Zamanlama Yapilandirma Rfc4028 i destekle veya destekleme SIP session la...

Page 23: ...rebilir Voice Mail in Echo Test i Yapilandirma Voice Mail Text if IAX2support voice mail Numaranin Echo Test i Yapilandirma Echo Test detegi vey yok Sayet sistem Echo yu destekliyor ise ve Echo testi...

Page 24: ...un i kullanmak ve SIP hesap ayari icin hat secin secilecek 2 hat vardir Load tusuna basilarak secilir Stun kullanimi SIP STUN i Etkinlestirme Etkinlestirmeme Not SIP STUN NAT a SIP penetrasyon unun ge...

Page 25: ...ktir Hafiza tasarrufu ve luzumsuz rakkam girisinden kurtulmak icin 1 x cevrilen digit le uyusur Yukarida ki tanimli konfiurasyona gore 13 ile baslayan 11 rakkamli numaradan sonra telefon cevrilen numa...

Page 26: ...ilen bu numara gercek numara yerine addedilecek ve cevrilecektir 3 del in anlami tanimlanan uzunlukta ki numarayi telefon silecektir 4 Rep xxx anlami telefon atanan numara ve ilgili uzunlugunu degisti...

Page 27: ...ada muadiller eklemedir 6000 cevrilirse SIP Sunucu bunu 06336000 anlar Spesifik arama 86 6226 olursa kullanici PSTN 010 6226 cevirecektir Sonra aranan numarayi 010T seklinde belirler ve sonra rep 86 y...

Page 28: ...Cikis Sesi Ses cikis derecesinin belirlenmesi Eller serbest sesi Eller serbest sesi derecesinin belirlenmesi Zil Sesi Zil Sesi derecesinin belirlenmesi G729 Tasima uzunlugu G729 Tasima uzunlugu derece...

Page 29: ...da aramaya gecildiginde devamli mesgul sesi verilir arama yapilamaz XML Sunucu Sunucu adres tanimi standardi XML dir Kara Lise Kara Listeye tanimlanan numaralar direkt telefon tarafindan reddedilir Bu...

Page 30: ...a aranir gercekte 9 hanel ve 9 ile baslayan numara gitmistir Fig 5 3 4 3 Sayisal Harita Konfigurasyonu Digital Map Configuration ile biter cevirme ile biten telefonu aktif veya pasif yapmak Sabit Uzun...

Page 31: ...tis tonunu bekler Numaralar bittikten sonra cevirme baslar 2 cevirme olarak addedilir Not ile bitmede sabit uzunluk zaman asimi ve sayisal harita kullanilabilir Sistem kurallara gore cevirme ve numara...

Page 32: ...Numarasi Mesaj isigi sonup yanma seviyesi mesaj geldiginde bu seviyede isik aktive olur yeni mesaj yoksa isik soner Kayit tusu Her tusa belirli bir hareket kaydi atayabilirsiniz Hat cevirme modu ayar...

Page 33: ...i guncellemesi Birim olarak saat Guncelleme Modu Guncelleme Mod lari 1 Hukumsuz guncelleme yok demektir 2 Reboot tan sonra guncelle Reboot tan sonra yukselt demektir 3 Zaman araligi ndan sonra guncell...

Page 34: ...da yaptiginiz degisiklikler hemen gecerli olur Kaydi unutursaniz eski durumdan gider Yedekle Fareyi sag tiklat ve save target as i sec konfigurasyon dosyasini herseyi ile indiririsin Temizle Sistemi v...

Page 35: 192 168 1 1 or ftp domain com dur Dosya su duzende olur ftp config Subdirectory s suffix suz o k dir Kullanici Ismi FTP upload veya download kullanici isim tanimi TFTP secilirse kullanici ismi ve s...

Page 36: ...i Kullanci Seviyesi Kullanici seviye tanimi Root kullanici her seyi yapar genel kullanici sadece okur Sifre Sifre giris Teyit Sifrenin teyidi Kullanici yi sev ve degisiklik kabulu icin Modify a bas he...

Page 37: ...eklenmesi veya silinmesi Start IP sutununda birincil IP Adresi verin Bitis IP sutununda son IP Adresi verin ve bunu IP segmentine eklemek icin Add i tikleyin Secilen IP segmenti ni silmek icin Delete...

Page 38: ...Out access Etkin Out access kuralini calistirmak icin secin Input Output Input kurali veya Output kurali icin secin Ret Izin Ret veya izin kurali icin secin Protokol Tipi Protokol tipi TCP UDP ICMP v...

Page 39: ...kin dir PPTP ALG PPTP ALG yi secerek etkin yapar veya birakirsiniz standarti etkin dir NAT TCP harita tablosu nu gosterir NAT UDP harita tablosu nu gosterir Transfer Tipi Select the NAT mapping Protok...

Page 40: ...isteme girebilir 5 3 6 4 VPN Konfigurasyonu VPN IP O an ki VPN IP adres i gosterir Not UDP Tunnel VPN Tunnel veya VPN L2TP secimi Sadece o an ki durumdan birini secersiniz kayit ve reboot edin VPN Mod...

Page 41: ...yi yerine koyun b Ahizesiz gorusme den Ahize li gorusmeye gecis Ahizeyi kaldirin 3 Aramayi cevaplama a Telefon caliginda ahizeyi kaldirin veya SPKR tusuna basin b Bir gorusme aninda telefon 2 hatli is...

Page 42: ...eye birakin Gorusme yaptiginiz kisi askida kalacaktir LED gosterge isigi yanacaktir Tekrar ahizeyi kaldirdiginizda karsinizda ki kisi aski dan cikacaktir Paralel yapida telefon ikinci bir aramayi alir...

Page 43: ...o odanin mesajini sistemin ozelligine gore okuyacaktir Ahize govde de modunda Mesaj isigi tusuna basin telefon otomatik olarak programlanmis mesaj servisini arayacak ve o odanin mesajini sistemin ozel...

Page 44: ...larak durakrsar Telefon konusmasi bittiginde telefon tekrar ses calma moduna girer 2 Zamanin Ayarlanmasi Zaman ancak AUDIO OFF modunda LINE IN veya FM RADIO konumda degil tanimlanabilir VOLUME tusuna...

Page 45: ...ltabilirsiniz En yuksek 20 fabrika standardi 10 dur 4 LCD isik siddetini ayarlamak Alarm calma modu haricinde SNOOZE tusuna basarak LCD isik gucunu ayarlayabilirsiniz 3 seviye vardir 5 Sarj port u Min...

Page 46: ...sonecektir UP DOWN ile ayarlayin SET tusuna tekrar basin dakika digit i yanip sonecektir UP DOWN ile ayarlayin SET tusuna basarak i slemi bitirin AM tusuna basarak 12 saat format i PM tusuna basarak...

Page 47: ...ede kuvvetli yayini yok FCC APPROVAL FCC Part 68 ABD kurallarina tamamen uymaktadir FCC ye uyumlu oldugu model cikartmasinda kayit numarasi ile belirtilmekte ayrica REN zil esit numarasi belirtilmekte...

Page 48: ...veya onun kabul edilmis distributor unden alindiginda gecerlidir BITTEL ve ASTRO A S HOTELNET e KONTAKT Bittel Telefon 86 633 2212119 2212113 2212103 2212125 internet www bittelcom com Email sales bi...

Page 49: ...EC standarlarina uygundur BT 2008 58IPTSD 10S BT 2008 66IPT BT 2008 66IPT T BT 2008 67IPTSD 10S BT 2008 68IPTSD 10S BT 2008 69IPTSD 3S ve bu urunler ayni zamanda asagida belirtilen istem ve harmonize...

Page 50: ......

Page 51: ...ments Operation temperature 0 to 50 C 32 to 122 F Storage temperature 20 to 65 C 4 to 149 F Humidity 10 to 65 b Software Features 6 DHCP support for automatic allocation IP addresses and other paramet...

Page 52: ...yper Text Transfer Protocol SNTP Simple Network Time Protocol Installation 3 1 Parts List Check this following list before installation to make sure that you have received all items If any item is not...

Page 53: ...PBX 58IP phone connection Install the handset cord Insert one end of the attached handset cord to jack on the handset then insert the other end into the jack on the left side of the phone Network con...

Page 54: ...more attention to the plug and socket direction and make sure the connection is correct and firm 3 5 As adopt the magnetic switch instead of the traditional hook switch install it far away from the st...

Page 55: ...ial key 12 SPKR key 13 CONF key 58IP T model 14 LINE2 key 58IP T model 15 Message key 16 LINE1 key 58IP T model 17 Hold key 18 MIC 19 Wall mounting hole 20 Stand hole of placard 21 PC port 22 LAN port...

Page 56: ...aceplate 5 Plastic faceplate 6 Paper Holder 7 Memory key 8 Digital key 9 Telephone function keys Hold key Mute key Flash key Redial key Conference key 68IP T model VOL VOL SPKR key LINE 1 key 68IP T m...

Page 57: ...Mute local voice when in a call Press again to restart the call On hook mode press this key show the IP VOL Increase the output volume of handset or speakerphone Editing mode press it view up page VO...

Page 58: mode but User mode only can view but can not modify SIP 1 2 items and server address and port According to the indication words to input the differ words then enter into different mode 4 User Mode...

Page 59: ...rt for 66IP 67IP 68IP 69IP Noticee The factory default network settings mode is DHCP user just connect the device to such a networks environment which own DHCP service will link to the networks automa...

Page 60: ...DE Choose this mode it can get such information automatically from DHCP server and no need to input any letters PPPoE MODE Choose this mode user must input ADSL account and pass words See details in 5...

Page 61: ...manually press Finish to finish the configure 2 DHCP Setting Choose DHCP mode press NEXT to get the SIP parameters and view them press BACK return back to the previous web page Same as static IP mode...

Page 62: ...Number Recorded account No and calling protocol and used line 4 MMI setting Fig 5 3 1 4 MMI setting Language Selection Setting the display language Factory default English Greeting Message Greeting me...

Page 63: ...of system phone will use the DHCP IP to set WAN and modify LAN s networks ID when phone uses DHCP client to get IP in startup if phone uses DHCP client to get IP in running status and network ID is a...

Page 64: ...sound signaling data package 802 1p priority Data 802 1P Priority Setting data 802 1p unvoiced sound signaling to use 802 1p Voice VLAN ID Setting voice signaling data package of VLAN ID Data VLAN ID...

Page 65: ...ase login with following style http xxx xxx xxx xxx xxxx Telnet Port Setting telnet port factory default is 23 port RTP Initial Port Setting telephone RTP to start the port this port is dynamic alloca...

Page 66: ...ed Lease Table Gateway The default gateway IP which added lease table DNS The default DNS server IP which added lease table Press ADDED and SUBMITTO add DHCP lease table Notice 1 The lease table must...

Page 67: ...minutes Enable the time shift of day time saving Month Enable the start and end month of day time saving Week Enable the start and end week of day time saving Day Enable the start and end day of day...

Page 68: ...onfigure SIP register account phone number If no phone number can not register Display Name Configure display name English letter is allowed Proxy Server Address Configure Proxy Server IP Address Usua...

Page 69: ...and voice mail Enable Keep Authentication Configure support Authentication register or not Then the server will confirm directly when receiving the request of Authentication register NAT Keep Alive C...

Page 70: ...ort RFC Privacy or not support RFC3323 and RFC3325 edition Subscribe Expire Time Configure Subscribe Expire Time Conference number Configure Conference Call number Enable conference number Enable conf...

Page 71: ...xt Configure Voice Mail Text if IAX2support voice mail Echo Test Number Configure Support Echo Test or not If the system support Echo and Echo Test is text type then Echo Test Number will replace Echo...

Page 72: ...enable SIP Stun user can use the ordinary SIP Server to realize penetration to NAT 4 DIAL PEER The functionality of the IP numbers table is to enable user to make call through Internet By this table...

Page 73: the prefix number is mapped The prefix number supports at most 30 digit and x format and range of number scope Destination Set Destination address If user wants to set peer to peer call please inpu...

Page 74: ...pping If you have registered a Private SIP2 server and set dial peer all calls will be sent via SIP2 server when you press the numeric key 8 in front of dialing destination phone numbers 2T The rule o...

Page 75: First Codec G 711A u G 722 G 723 G 729 G 726 32 The fist preferential DSP codec G 711A u G 722 G 723 G 729 G 726 32 Second Codec The second preferential DSP codec G 711A u G 722 G 723 G 729 G 726...

Page 76: ...r number can t be dialed No Answer Time Set No Answer Time P2P IP Prefix Set Prefix in peer to peer IP call For example what you want to dial is 192 168 1 119 If you define P2P IP Prefix as 192 168 1...

Page 77: ...means any number with prefix 4 which length is 3 will be forbidden to dial out DOT means matching any arbitrary number digit for example 6 expresses any number with prefix 6 will be forbidden to dial...

Page 78: ...n length n is mandatory and ranges from 0 to 9 seconds Tn must be the last 2 characters of a dial plan If Tn is not specified it is assumed to be T0 by default on all dial plans means dialing tone is...

Page 79: ...ted record Notice the maximum capability of the phonebook is 500 items 5 3 4 5 FUNCTION KEY Picture 5 3 4 5 Store Key Setting Contrast Set the contrast ratio Luminance Set the level of luminance of th...

Page 80: ...sion of the system configuration file Config Encrypt Key If the configuration file which needs to be upgraded is encrypted then enter the encrypted password here Protocol Type Choose from three types...

Page 81: ...rver IP Set syslog server IP or domain Server Port Set syslog server port MGR Log Level Set MGR log level SIP Log Level Set SIP log level IAX2 Log Level Set IAX2 log level Enable Syslog Set syslog on...

Page 82: ...of FTP uploaded or downloaded If choose TFTP then no need to set user name and password Password Set server password of FTP server uploaded or downloaded File name Set file name of system upgrade file...

Page 83: the password Confirm Confirm the password Select the account and click the Modify to modify the selected account and click the Delete to delete the selected account General user only can add the us...

Page 84: ...he web 5 3 6 2 Firewall 5 3 6 2 Firewall Configuration In this web interface user can set up firewall to prevent unauthorized Internet users from accessing private networks connected to the Internet i...

Page 85: ...address network address complete address 0 0 0 0 or network address similar to 0 for example 192 168 1 0 Click the Add button if you want to add a new output rule Then enable out_access and click the...

Page 86: ...the NAT mapping Outside IP Set the outside Wan port IP address of DMZ Inside IP Set the inside LAN port IP address of DMZ Click the Delete button to delete the selected mapping table Notice 10M 100M...

Page 87: ...t you d better save configuration and reboot your phone VPN Mode Whether the configuration supports VPN mode VPN Configuration PN Server Addr Set VPN server address VPN Server Port Set VPN server port...

Page 88: ...D turn off accordingly Notice Off hook active LINE1 preferentially and LINE1 enter into working mode in default mode 2 Dial Directly Pick up handset or press SPEAKER key then input the deployed teleph...

Page 89: ...t or press the SPEAKER key to hang up If there is a new coming call to another line during current call press the corresponding line to answer the call and hold the current call After the new call fin...

Page 90: ...tting if a new call comes when the line is busy the new call will be forwarded to Forward to Number 6 3 3 Forward when no answer Set the SIP Advanced Set Forward Type as No Answer by web setting if a...

Page 91: ...after searching FM signal 7 1 3 Press AUDIO ON OFF to Pause or Play Press VOLUME to adjust the volume total level 0 30 factory default is 15 7 1 4 AUDIO OFF mode press TUNING for a while LCD display O...

Page 92: and other peripheral products LINE IN audio input port With 3 5mm dual track audio lines connect iPod MP3 to acoustics 7 6 Homing system Press ALARM for 2 seconds the device enter into homing sy...

Page 93: ...enance and troubleshooting 1 No dialing tone of handset Check the telephone network Check the connection of handset cord and straight line cord 2 No ringing or no continually ring Please check the tel...

Page 94: ...VE OTHER RIGHTS WHICH VARYFROM JURISDICTION TO JURISDICTION This warranty is only valid for merchandise purchased directly from Bittel or dealers or distributors Bittel Co authorized 12 FCC WARNING Th...
