Connecting the V!CAS to the LAN
User’s Guide: Version 1.2
more stringent than for thick coaxial cabling. Thin coaxial segments have
a maximum distance of 185 meters and each segment can support up to
30 stations.
Twisted pair
If your network is setup using twisted pair (or telephone) wiring then in-
dividual stations are attached to the network through UTP (unshielded
twisted pair) connectors. A UTP connector is a telephone type (RJ-45)
connector also known as a western plug. A twisted pair cable connects
the UTP port of each station on the network to a central 10BaseT concen-
trator. You can attach the V!CAS to your ethernet using the 10BaseT port.
1. Attach a twisted pair cable to your V!CAS by inserting the 8 pin RJ-45
jack into the twisted pair port on the back plane marked 10BaseT.
2. Make a small loop into your twisted pair cable as close as possible to
the V!CAS and attach a ferrite to it.
3. Attach the other end of the twisted pair cable to an input port of your
Figure 2:
RJ-45 Western Plug with Ferrite
You must use a ferrite with your twisted pair ethernet
cable. Otherwise the V!CAS may produce a higher
amount of electromagnetical radiation and therefore
possibly cause interference with other devices.