V!CAS User’s Guide
In the previous chapter we described the many menus
you’ll find when using Setup Tool to configure and admin-
ister your V!CAS.
Now we’ll explain, step-by-step, how to configure those
features you want to use. We’ve organized this chapter into
major topics and present the information in a quick-answer
format to help answer some of the most common questions
you’ll have.
Within each section, look for the following symbols:
This section lets you know what information you’ll need
before you begin to configure a feature.
This section explains step-by-step instructions on how to
configure the V!CAS’ features.
This section contains references to other information you
may find helpful when configuring a particular feature
(i.e., tips on testing features, troubleshooting, or general
background information).
Since we’ll be referring to Setup Tool’s menus we’ve in-
cluded the page reference in the left margin where the de-
scription of the menu can be found in Chapter 4.
(p. 41)
What’s covered
• Configuring the V!CAS’ features
• Hardware Interfaces ...........................................................................100
• IP Features ............................................................................................104
• IPX Features..........................................................................................116
• X.25 Features .......................................................................................118
• POTS Features ......................................................................................131
• General ...............................................................................................134