: The function is disabled.
Also select whether the test cells of the OAM CC are to be sent
or received.
Possible settings:
(default value): CC data is both received and generated.
: CC data is received.
: CC data is generated.
14.3 Real Time Jitter Control
When telephoning over the Internet, voice data packets normally have the highest priority.
Nevertheless, if the upstream bandwidth is low, noticeable delays in voice transmission can
occur when other packets are routed at the same time.
The real time jitter control function solves this problem. So that the "line" is not blocked for
too long for the voice data packets, the size of the other packets can be reduced, if re-
quired, during a telephone call.
14.3.1 Controlled Interfaces
In the WAN->Real Time Jitter Control->Controlled Interfaces a list of functions is dis-
played for which the Real Time Jitter Control function is configured. New
Click the New button to optimise voice transmission for other interfaces.
Fig. 119:
Real Time Jitter Control
Controlled Interfaces
bintec elmeg GmbH
14 WAN
bintec RS Series