Chapter 9 Use the system telephone for the first time
There are four ways to use the elmeg S560 and elmeg S530 system telephones on the elmeg hybird for the first
• The elmeg hybird and the system telephone are both used for the first time together:
The elmeg hybird configuration is created or loaded. In this case, the MSN which has been specified in the config-
uration needs to be entered in the system telephone first. The elmeg hybird then recognises the system tele-
phone. The current configuration is then automatically loaded to the system telephone.
• The elmeg hybird is already configured and the elmeg S560 / elmeg S530 is being installed in addition, or is re-
placing a different system telephone:
In this case, the MSN which has been specified in the configuration needs to be entered in the system telephone
first. The elmeg hybird then recognises the system telephone. The current configuration is then automatically
loaded to the system telephone.
• Copy a system telephone that has already been set up:
In this case you just enter the name, serial number and call number.
• When you connect the system telephone, the elmeg hybird recognises the system telephone:
Enter the call number in the configuration. The data, plus the date and time, are then automatically copied to the
system telephone.
9.1 Select the language for the display
If the system telephone is being connected to the elmeg hybird for the first time, the display will prompt you to select
the language. The default language is German.
Only the language of the display is selected in this setting. All the other settings, such as country-spe-
cific functions, are configured through the elmeg hybird.
Use the Navigator to select the language in which you wish to use the system telephone.
The tick at the end of the row indicates that this language is enabled.
The OK key saves the language and you go to the »Enter call number« menu.
bintec elmeg GmbH
9 Use the system telephone for the first time
System telephones elmeg S560 / elmeg S530