CH1 antenna connector
Since the router doesn't have any internal antennas, external antennas must be installed on the bintec H2 Auto
Compact to improve WLAN signal quality.
The cable used to connect the antennas must be valid for RF signal communications of up to 2.4 GHz (5.7 GHz for
802.11a) frequencies and impedances of 50 Ohm. Please note, the quality and length of an antenna cable can affect
the RF signal quality (transmitted and received), which, in turn, will affect the device coverage and data exchange
Depending on the model, a WLAN interface is available.
For optimum performance, always install the WLAN antennas.
The WLAN module has two antenna connectors, labeled WLAN 1 (CH0) and WLAN 2 (CH1).
The following image shows the position of the WLAN antenna connectors.
Fig. 12:
WLAN antenna connectors
WLAN antenna requirements
The antennas used by the WLAN transmitter must not be co-located or operated in conjunction with any other an-
tenna or transmitter. The device is tested with antenna gain 2dBi to evaluate its conformity with CE Radio standards.
Only the antennas with a gain lesser or equal to 5dBi for 2.4GHz, 7dBi for 5.15~5.35GHz & 5.47~5725GHz and
10dBi for 5.725~5.85GHz may be used with this transmitter to comply with RF exposure limits.
For further information on WLAN interfaces, please see the bintec-Dm771-I Wireless LAN Interface manual.
3.5.3 Connecting to a WWAN antenna
The bintec H2 Auto Compact is equipped with two SMA connectors for WWAN antennas.
Antenna Function
Cell 1
Main antenna connector
Cell 2
Diversity antenna connector
The router does not have any internal antennas. Antennas must be installed on the bintec H2 Auto Compact to im-
prove the quality of the signal received and transmitted by the Wireless WAN module.
The cable used to connect the antennas must be valid for radio frequency (RF) signal communications of up to 2.6
GHz and an impedance of 50 Ohms. Please note that the quality and length (loss) of an antenna cable can affect the
RF signal quality (transmitted and received), which, in turn, will affect device coverage and data exchange rates.
bintec elmeg GmbH
3 Components and power supply
bintec H2 Auto Compact