Calibrating and adjusting the temperature and humidity control
Use the buttons
to select the menu
“User-Settings” and confirm with <ENTER>.
Choose variation
Configuration 1
Configuration 2
Note down the actual value of
“Safety control.Act” (e.g. +22.7).
Instrument data
Displ. power down
Contin. operation
User level
Safety controller.Set
55.0 °C
Safety controller.Act
22.7 °C
Note down the displayed temperature value of the reference measuring instrument (e.g. +21.6).
Compare the values of the noted controller parameters “1.” (KBF 720: also “2.”) and
“Safety control.Act” with the displayed temperature value of the reference measuring instrument.
Adjust the main and the safety temperature controller if the deviation of the values of the
controller parameters “1.”, (KBF 720: also “2.”) resp. “Safety control.Act” and the reference
measuring instrument is found to be larger than +/-0.5 K (confidence criteria).
In case the reference measuring instrument has a measuring uncertainty larger than +/-0.5 K
(see its calibration certificate), this is the confidence criteria (e.g. +/-0.75 K).
If the deviation is found to be larger than +/-2 K replace the Pt100 temperature sensor.
Service Manual KBF (E5.2) 04-2015