T: 07 4779 1740
F: 07 4725 6228
1/324 Bayswater Rd Garbutt
P0 Box 7526 Garbutt Q 4814
BFT Deimos Ultra Motor Installation and Programming
To remove lid see page 2 of manual, drawing C.
Unscrew the 2 screws at the rear of the motor. Squeeze the bottom of the
plastic housing from each side and lift up. There are 2 tabs at the front that
position the lid to the motor.
Before drilling holes, position the motor beside the gate and sit a piece of
geared rack (teeth) against the gate, position the motor so that teeth on rack
and motor are aligned.
While holding the rack in place push the gate fully open and closed to see if
motor is in correct position. Sometimes gates are warped and you may need to
move the motor in or out to find a happy medium. If the motor is too close, the
bolts and brackets of the rack will catch. If you are too far out the rack will
disengage with the cog on the motor. Mark the holes and or position of the
motor. Use the template to make sure the gate is parallel to the gate.
Drill your 1st 10 mm hole and drop a bolt in. Approximately 50 - 60 mm deep
only (Hint: Drop the bolts in upside down for now in case you make a mistake.)
Check your measurements and drill the 2nd hole and drop in the bolt. Check all
is good then drill your last 2 holes. Discard the template if you wish. If you
are happy, fit your 4 fasteners/ bolts correctly and use a washer and nut and
tighten these fasteners.
Depending on where the rack sits on your gate/wheel heights, you may have to
add extra nuts and washers to lift the motor. Level these spacers and put the
BFT Deimos Ultra Motor