BestScope International Limited
eyepiece by hand.
3.4 Condenser
Put out the condenser of the carton, then turn Condenser Focusing Knob M to lower condenser
installing ring. Loose the condenser screw, then install the condenser, and make the condenser
graduation face to the front, Tighten the condenser screw, and higher the condenser installing ring
to top.
Please don’t touch the lens by hand.
3.5 Power
Put in power, open Switch, and turn Potentiometer.
4. Operation
4.1 Bright field operation process instruction
5) Adjust condenser aperture
Adjust condenser
(condenser focusing
screw M) and aperture (Aperture diaphragm
lever D)
Turn power switch,
adjust light
Turn on Switch L, and turn Potentiometer K.
2) Put the sample
Put the sample on stage
, (open the clamp
C, and put the sample into it), turn stage knob
H to put the sample into optical path.
3) Put 10X objective into
optical path and focus
Turn Nosepiece B, put 10
objective into
optical path. Turn Coarse & Fine Focusing
Knobs I and N to focus.
4) Adjust interpupillary
distance and diopter
Adjust head
to make two fields into one;
adjust diopter adjuster A to make diopter for
two eyes same.
Adjust and center field
Adjust field diaphragm
(field diaphragm ring E)
Put the objective into
light path, and focus