UT340, UT360, UT380, and UT3100
Planning and Installation Manual
Initial Startup and Phase Check
for Units with a BEST-Supplied Three-Breaker MBC
Follow this Procedure Exactly! No Load Should Be Connected!
Make sure that all AC and DC power is off.
Switch the maintenance bypass breaker (MBB) “OFF.”
Switch the UPS output breaker (UOB) “OFF.”
At the mains AC input panel, switch on the input power to the UPS and maintenance bypass
cabinet (MBC).
Switch the UPS input breaker (UIB) “ON.” The display should show
System type
xxkVA xxxV
, and an audible alarm should sound.
Within 20 seconds, the display should show
Turn the pre-charge/discharge switch to the pre-charge position and hold it until the LED
turns off.
Switch the battery DC disconnect (DCD) “ON.”
Check the phase rotation at the service panel and the unit. The unit will not start if the phase
rotation is incorrect. The phase rotation must be A, B, C and clockwise.
10. When the audible alarm stops, press the green “on” button located inside the UPS front door.
The UPS display will show
Normal operation load power xx%
NOTE: One or more alarms may occur. If the alarm(s) persists for more than 20 seconds,
refer to the “Alarms” section of the user manual. If the unit activates a “battery
monitor alarm,” you should set the user parameter “battery monitor reset” to “ON.”
11. If the UPS is connected to a generator, verify that the unit operates properly on generator
power before continuing. If the UPS operates properly on generator power, continue this
procedure. If the UPS does not operate properly on generator power, phone BEST’s
Technical Support Center for assistance.