© 2020 BeSpoon SAS
The copyrights in this user guide and the system described therein are owned
by the company BeSpoon SAS (hereafter also referred as "BeSpoon"). BeSpoon,
the BeSpoon logo, omlox and the omlox logo are registered trademarks. All
other brand names, product names, or trademarks belong to their respective
BeSpoon SAS, company registered at RCS de Chambéry
Registration number (SIRET) 521 277 319 00039
VAT-No. FR06521277319
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This document contains proprietary information of BeSpoon which may not be
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out the express, written permission of BeSpoon. This document has been made
available as part of the license that has been granted to an authorized user of
BeSpoon software. It is intended solely for the information and use of parties
operating and maintaining the equipment described herein. Use of this docu-
mentation is subject to the terms and limitations of that license agreement. This
document describes all functionality that can be licensed for this product. Not
all functionality described in this document may be available to you depending
on your license agreement. If you are not aware of the relevant terms of your
license agreement, contact sales at BeSpoon.
Product Improvements
Continuous improvement of products is a policy of BeSpoon SAS. All specifica-
tions and designs are subject to change without notice.
Liability Disclaimer
BeSpoon takes steps to ensure that its published documentation is correct;
however, errors do occur. BeSpoon reserves the right to correct any such errors
and disclaims liability resulting there from.
Limitation of Liability
In no event shall BeSpoon, any of its licensors or anyone else involved in the
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ware and software) be liable for any of the following (collectively referred to as
"Injuries"): injuries (including death) or damages to persons or to property, or
damages of any other kind, direct, indirect, special, exemplary, incidental or con-
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remedy set forth herein is found to have failed of its essential purpose. Some ju-
risdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential
damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you.
Summary of Contents for OMLOX WTAG
Page 1: ...User Guide OMLOX WTAG ...