Bernina Garment Sewing Tips And Tricks Download Page 1



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Keep a log or journal of all of your sewing 
projects. Most sewers give away the     
majority of their creative pursuits and it is 
sometimes easy to feel defeated and un-
motivated; but when you look at all you’ve 
accomplished, it will keep you excited and 
spur you on!



Make it a ritual to keep your machine clean 
and in tip-top shape. Have it serviced     
during your birthday month and make a 
concerted effort to do quick cleanings on a 
regular basis.



Organize projects with pattern, cut fabric, 
and notions packaged together so you 
don’t waste time “getting ready”.



Discipline yourself to sew regularly even if 
it is only 10 minutes at a time. It’s amazing 
how much those little snippets of time add 
up and before you know it, you’ve finished 
another project! 
Be prepared. Keep a tote bag with you for 
hand sewing items or related reading so  
you can make good use of your time when 



attending ball games, waiting at the       
dentist, or commuting to work by             
car pool, bus, or train.





Look for projects and patterns with limited 
pieces and little detail. Take classes to learn 
new techniques instead of trying to figure it 
out on your own. In the long run, you will 
pick it up faster and will waste less time than 
using the trial and error method. 


If possible, leave your machine out and 
available at all times. The less you have to 
do to “get ready” to sew, the more likely you 
will frequently stop and stitch. 


Read pattern instructions thoroughly before 
beginning and highlight any parts that look a 
little tricky or unfamiliar. Visualize each step 
and work through it in your head, trying to 
anticipate any unusual areas. Mark a big X 
over the sections that don't apply to your 
project. This will make it easy to keep your 
place, and prevent confusion caused by 
reading extraneous directions.



Think through each task and decide if it is 
something you can do by machine rather 
than by hand. Not only is it usually          
faster to sew techniques such as              
sewing on buttons by machine,                       
it often lasts longer and                            
doesn’t have to be                                     
redone in the near                                      



Group your tasks and work in an assembly 
line fashion. Spend an evening cutting out 
patterns, another one seaming and joining 
the major pieces, and another working on 
the finishing details. The less you jump 
around, the faster your projects will come 



Streamlined Sewing: 

Streamlined Sewing: 



10 Timely Tips

10 Timely Tips


