Switch/shutter actuator 8/4gang 16A RMD
Switch/shutter actuator 16/8gang 16A
© Berker GmbH & Co KG 2007
Version: 04.04.2007
Part 5
(Subject to prior change)
Seite: 43 / 174
Presetting cyclical monitoring
If cyclical telegram monitoring of the safety objects is necessary, the individual monitoring functions must be
activated separately. The monitoring functions must be enabled and the monitoring times preset on the
"Shutter outputs safety times" parameter page.
The safety functions must have been globally enabled.
If monitoring of the wind alarms is to be activated, the parameter "Use wind alarm monitoring function ?"
must be set to "yes"
The monitoring function for the wind alarm objects is now activated. As soon as the monitoring function is
activated, telegrams must be transmitted cyclically to all enabled wind alarm objects. If only one of the
wind alarm telegrams is missing within the monitoring period, the wind alarm reaction will be executed for
the output concerned.
Specify the required monitoring time for the wind alarm objects in the "Wind alarm monitoring times"
If the monitoring function is to be activated for a rain alarm, the parameter "Use rain alarm monitoring
function ?" must be set to "yes".
The monitoring function for the rain alarm object is now activated. As soon as the monitoring function is
activated, telegrams must be transmitted cyclically to the rain alarm object.
Specify the required monitoring time for the rain alarm object in the "Rain alarm monitoring times"
If the monitoring function is to be activated for a frost alarm, the parameter "Use frost alarm monitoring
function ?" must be set to "yes".
The monitoring function for the frost alarm object is now activated. As soon as the monitoring function is
activated, telegrams must be transmitted cyclically to the frost alarm object.
Specify the required monitoring time for the frost alarm object in the "Frost alarm monitoring times"
The monitoring function for the wind alarms may only be activated, if at least one wind alarm has been
activated on the "Shutter outputs safety" page.
The cycle time of the transmitters should be shorter than the monitoring time parameterized in the
switching/shutter actuator in order to ensure that at least one telegram can be received during the
monitoring time.