USER HANDBOOK 1.0 | DC2115, ET2115
Berghof Automation GmbH | Harretstrasse 1 | 72800 Eningen | www.berghof.com
21-0099-82-00-00-003 | 270010900_Anwenderhandbuch_DC-ET2115_EN.docx
4.1. Preparation for installation
The device is intended for installation from the front into a rectangular cut-out on a panel. The support mate-
rial must be rigid and be from 1 to 4 mm thick.
Fig. 3: Dimensions
To allow sufficient air circulation, it must be ensured that the device has a clear space of at least 20
mm all round at the rear.
The max. ambient temperature inside the control cabinet must not exceed 55 °C in operation.
The support material for the installation cut-out must be flat, sufficiently stable, and be from 1 to 4
mm thick.
Damage to the device!
Installation on uneven support material can lead to mechanical stresses and
cracks in the front face or malfunctioning of the touch screen.
Make sure that the mounting points of the device are all in a common
plane, with no more than maximum ±0.5 mm variation.