4.3 Measuring ranges
Device description
5235 / 05/2022 en
Capacitance ranges
Requirements: Discharge the capacitors and apply the safety measuring lines according to the
marked polarity.
Overload protection: 1 000 V‑AC / V‑DC
Measuring range
Measuring accuracy
1), 2)
10 nF
0.01 nF
±(1.0 % + 10 digits)
100 … 1 000 nF
Max. 0.1 nF
±(1.0 % + 2 digits)
10 … 1 000 μF
Max. 0.01 μF
±(1.8 % + 4 digits)
10 mF
0.01 mF
±(2.0 % + 4 digits)
Table 17:
Capacitance ranges (F)
Valid for film capacitors or better
Temperature coefficient (at -20 ... 18 °C or 28 ... 55 °C): 0.2 [1/°C] x specified measuring
accuracy x difference to reference temperature range [°C]
Frequency ranges
Mains frequency ranges
Overload protection: 1 000 V‑AC / V‑DC, 11 A‑AC / A‑DC
Measuring function range
(sinusoidal RMS)
Measuring range
6 V
0.4 V
10 Hz … 50 kHz
60 V
4 V
600 V
40 V
10 Hz … 30 kHz
1 000 V
400 V
10 Hz … 5 kHz
HFR 600 V
40 V
10 … 400 Hz
HFR 1 000 V
400 V
600 μA
40 μA
10 Hz … 5 kHz
6 mA
400 μA
60 mA
4 mA
600 mA
40 mA
6 A
0.6 A
10 Hz … 3 kHz
10 A
6 A
Table 18:
Mains frequency ranges (Hz)
• Measuring accuracy: ±(0.05 % + 5 digits)
5 V logic-level frequency ranges
Measuring range
Measuring accuracy
5 Hz … 1 MHz
Max. 0.001 Hz
±(0.002 % + 4 digits)
Table 19:
5 V logic-level frequency ranges (Hz)
• Min. sensitivity: >3.0 V
• Pulse width: >0.5 μs