Bennett & Ross IDA-1 / Item No.: 00054829
3. Establishing a Connection for the First Time
Establishing a connection for the first time should be made close to your
router in order to avoid any connection problems.
You can find the network name (SSID) of your access point in the setting of
the access point (router).
If the display shows an error message (e.g. wrong key / network error),
double check the key and your input.
Complete the settings rapidly. If you take too long to set certain functions the
settings menu will cancel the process and return to the last menu section.
Automatic Search
NOTE: If you are on an unprotected network the radio will immediately connect with
that network. If your network is protected via a key the display will show: would you
like to configure your network now?
1. Connect your power adapter with the device and with the power grid. The device will
power up and the starting screen will appear.
2. The device will automatically search for available WIFI-networks. The message
you want to configure your network now?
“ will appear. You can mark one of the
three menu points on the bottom of the display with the arrow keys. If you press the
scrolling wheel your marked menu point will be activated.
If you marked „Yes “: all found WIFI networks will be displayed after a short search.
4. You can mark your network using the scrolling wheel.
5. Press the scrolling wheel. A new window opens where you can enter the network
6. Turning the scolling wheel changes the symbols and letters in the marked space.
RIGHT marks the next space on the right. LEFT deletes the last symbol or letter.
Pressing the scrolling wheel confirms the password.
If your router has a WPS button you can connect your radio to your network without
entering a password.
1. During the message
„Do you want to configure your network now?”
Choose Yes.
2. Press the WPS button on your router.
3. Wait for your router to connect itself with your radio.