Response sensitivity characteristics
The type of distribution system, system voltage, leakage capacitance
and test current all affect the EDS system's response sensitivity.
The value of the test current can be set at the IRDH575 in-
sulation monitoring device and at the PGH... insulation
fault test device.
The response values are displayed as characteristic
curves. The maximum deviation can be +/- 30 %, includ-
ing the tolerances of the measuring current transformers.
The characteristic curves apply to the respective nominal
voltage indicated in the diagram. If the nominal voltage
of the system being monitored is different from the nom-
inal voltage shown in the diagram, the response values
may change proportionally.
Nominal voltages changing dynamically during opera-
tion or in case of superimposed alternating currents that
deviate from the system frequency (e.g. caused by fre-
quency converters or inverters) or superimposed direct
currents may result in response value that are outside the
range displayed in the diagram.