Technical Documentation
KSR-V – Capacitor-Bank Protection Relay
Rev. 05
5.8 Alarm display
If any alarm is configured to display an alarm message, the following display contents will be shown
whenever the alarm is triggered. After confirming the message, the old display contents will be
An alarm message offers the following information :
In the right top corner of the display, the state of all assembled relays is displayed. A dark number on
bright ground shows a relay which is deactivated, the reverse display (bright number on dark ground)
shows an activated relay. Relays, which are not assembled, will not be shown here.
The message "ALARM #xx" in the center of the display shows the number of the active alarm. The
number appears instead of "xx" in this example.
The actual value of the measurement, which is configured to be the source of this alarm.
If more than one alarm is active, one can switch between them by pressing key "+".
The right key ("Enter") can be used to confirm the alarm message. After confirmation, the display shows the
next active alarm or, if there are no more active alarms, resumes work at the same point where it left before
the alarm occurred. In general the behaviour of the display alarms depends on the setting "reset
The confirmation only disables the alarm message. If any output relays are configured for the same alarm
they are not influenced by the confirmation.
To enhance visibility and to make recognition of the alarm easier (especially in dark rooms), the backlight of
the display is toggled between full brightness and reduced brightness, which resembles a blinking signal