Technical documentation
Rev. 02
Reactive Factor Controller CX plus
whether or not steps are connected at the switching outputs. Not occupied switching outputs are set to
the st
ep type “
The “Automatic initialisation” does not perform an identification of the step
sizes. The identification of the step sizes only takes place via the control in normal
control operation (see chapter “Identification / manual entry of step sizes”).
The phase correction angle can also be set manually in the SETUP menu 206. The step types of the
not occupied switching outputs can be set to “
” manually in the SETUP menu 100/OUt or 403.
We recommend checking the step types of the switching outputs after the successful
on of the “Automatic initialisation” with regard to whether all connected steps are still set to the
step type “AUTO”.
It may happen that the AI did not identify occupied switching outputs correctly and set these to the
step type “
17.1 Procedure of the automatic initialisation
If the automatic initialisation was activated in the SETUP menu 100/AI or 207 by setting the setting to
”, the AI will start as soon as the voltage is in the valid range, the measuring current is
than 5 mA
. The AI switches on the first step, when the discharge time of the steps and the set
switching time have run out.
is shown on the display in the top line.
The setting remains set to “YES” in the setup menu 100/AI resp. 207 for as long as the
automatic initialisation has not yet started. As soon as the AI is started, this setting is automatically set
back to “NO”.
The AI respectively switches on and off again the individual steps one by one. The next cycle of the AI
does not start with switching on the first step until the set discharge time and switching time have run
out. The AI performs
a maximum of 4 cycles
. In the process, the occupied and not occupied
switching outputs are identified and the phase correction angle to be set is determined.
Steps with the step type “FON” and “Flty” are ignored by the AI. If the control switched on
steps before the start of the AI, these will be switched off one by one first, before the AI may begin.
If the measured power change was too small during a cycle, the AI will switch on all steps one by one
first in the next cycle and then off again one by one.
The duration of the automatic initialisation depends on the number of cycles, the maximum
number of switching outputs, the set switching time (default setting: 10 s) and the discharge time
(default setting 75 s) of the steps. The greater the set switching time and discharge time, the longer
does the AI take. Therefore, the AI may take several minutes (switching time = 10 s, discharge time =
75 s, 4 cycles
approx. 7 min).
If the automatic initialisation was successful after
a maximum of 4 cycles
, the determined phase
correction angle is set automatically and not occupied step outputs are set to
the step type “
The notification
appears on the display and the control starts switching steps on and off in the
cycle of the set switching time after the set discharge time has run out in order to reach the control