7: Administration
UM Configuration BAT-C2
Release 01.0.00 04/2019
Using XML
Include in your file:
<configgroup name="user management">
This page is used to clone the current system configuration. The generated file can be imported at
a later time to restore the configuration.
Notice: The 'User Management', 'WLAN Profile', 'HTTP Authentication', and SSL
groups must be imported with secrets manually filled in (e.g.,
passwords and private key) before import.
The exported file can be modified and imported to update the configuration on this BAT-C2 or
The clone file can be exported to the browser window. XML records can also be exported to
browser window or to a download link on the BAT-C2.
Notice that by default, all Groups to Export are checked except some pertaining to the network
configuration; this is so that if you later 'paste' the entire clone configuration, it will not break your
network connectivity. You may check or uncheck any group to include or omit that group from
Selection of Lines to Export filters instances to be exported are in the line and terminal groups.
To Export Configuration
By default, all settings groups are checked.
Using Web Manager
1. In the Web Manager, click the
2. Click
XML > Export Configuration
3. Select where to send exported status information:
Export to browser
sends the information into a separate web window which appears.
Export to local file
sends information into a new locally saved file. A file name must be
specified in field provided if this option is selected.
4. Select
Download (from link)
to download this content as a file, or click
Export to browser
open a web browser with this content.
5. To include descriptive comments in the XML file, check
6. For
Lines to Export
, check the lines and/or the network that you want to export to the XML
configuration file.
Clicking the
Clear All
button will uncheck all checkboxes.
Clicking the
Select All
button will check all checkboxes.
7. Click the desired
Groups to Export
. Several checkboxes are available.
Clicking the
Clear All
button will uncheck all checkboxes.
Clicking the
Select All but Networking
button will check all checkboxes except
Interface:etho, Bridge:br0 and Interface:wlan0.