Global Navigation
navigation button if you need it. This example shows 14 quick sources, a selection button,
and one navigation button:
One part of the configuration is specifying a default destination in the panel options during
configuration. The default destination displays on the selection button. Taking a source to
that destination is as simple as pressing a quick-source button.
The other part of the configuration is checking ‘Hold Preset Default’ in the panel options.
That ensures that the route you made remains highlighted on the selection button. The
selection button is used as a “status” button. It shows the current source and the
destination mnemonics.
The operator must press the selection button once to enable source selection.
Global Navigation
NV9000-SE Utilities supports what are known as “global navigation” pages for NV9641
control panels. Global navigation pages are templates
that may be used and
reused in the creation of NV9640 configurations.
There are two types of global navigation pages: ‘Suffix’ and ‘Navigate’. A navigate template
may define a single button page or an entire subtree of pages. A suffix template is a single
page only. The buttons allowed in a suffix template are a small subset of the buttons
supported by NV9641 configurations. Navigate templates support all functions except
‘Global Navigate’. That is because templates cannot be nested.
Templates themselves are
NV9641 configurations.
Follow these steps to create either type:
1 Choose ‘Control Panels’ from the ‘Configuration’ pane. Then click ‘Add Control Panel’.
2 In the ‘Add Control Panel’ page, complete the details as you would for a panel: The panel
type is NV9641. Specify a panel ID, a name, and choose ‘New’ in the options section.
3 Rather than click the ‘Next’ or ‘Finish’ button, click the ‘Suffix’ or ‘Navigate’ button. Doing so
creates a global navigation page of the appropriate type.
Using a suffix page is different from using a navigation page.
for “Status”
Quick Source Buttons
to other pages
1. NV9000-SE Utilities also supports global navigate templates for the NV9641 and NV9642.