Options under the Paging Model
Flip-flop source to preset after take.
Swaps the preset source and the currently routed source for this destination.
Enable force release.
Allows operators to execute a force release.
Jump back after source selection.
After you make a source selection, the panel reactivates the
button page.
Jump back after take.
After you press a ‘Take’ button, the panel reactivates the
button page.
Jump back after destination selection.
After you make a destination selection, the panel reactivates the
button page.
Jumping back to the default page is usually helpful, but in some configuration
designs, might not be. You can design your panel configuration to take advantage
of the jump-back behavior.
Src/dst immediate take.
A ‘Source/Destination’ button selects a source and a destination. When this box is
checked (as it is in the default NV9641 configuration) the button performs an
immediate take. When the checkbox is clear, the button sets up the take and the
operator must press a ‘Take’ button to complete the take.
Clear Preset Mapping.
If you check this box, all preset mappings (channels, or levels, mapped and tieline
presets) clear at the beginning of each suffix button press.
If you clear this check box, all preset mappings are retained. Note that the most recently
made tieline preset (if one was made) is retained even if the ultimately taken source
does not require a tieline. The tieline is wasted.
Options under the Paging Model
This is the panel options section, as it appears at the right of a configuration page under the
paging model: