Sound module USM-RC-3
If you you are using a Jeti Duplex 2.4GHz, the “output period” of the receiver must be
set on “byTransmitter” by the Jeti-Box. Other important setting: ATV High Limit: 2,20
ms, ATV Low Limit: 0,80 ms.
One-channel multi-function selection (EKMFA)
To use the EKMFA mode it must be activated in the Sound-Teacher.
With the “One-channel multi-function selection” (EKMFA) you can control up to 30
functions of the USM-RC-3 with only one proportional channel (channel #3).
You can assign in the Sound-Teacher the functions you would like to trigger with the
EKMFA-mode (see page 77).
To trigger a particular sound or function, the transmitter switch or joy-stick must be
moved from position N to position A or D for a certain number.
The last „function“ is always stored, enabling you to repeat the last sound or the last
function as many times as you wish, without counting once more. Simply hold the
joy-stick for one second in the position
, or
to repeat the last sound. Areas B and
C cannot be selected with a switch on proportional channel # 3 (X2 / 3), so the switch
must always be actuated the number of times corresponding to the function for
In order to switch the 16 outputs directly, they must be configured in the Sound-
Teacher as
. An output that is configured e.g. as
reversing or brake light, cannot be switched on.
Sum signals S-BUS, SUMD/SUMD3 and i-BUS
With the USM-RC-3 it is possible to evaluate the sum signals „S-BUS“,
„SUMD/SUMD3“ and „i-BUS“ of the receiver.
Up to 16 proportional channels can
be transmittet via only one connection from the receiver to the USM-RC-3.
order to use sum signals, the receiver must be suitable for sum signals and an
activation in the radio might be necessay.
Using the sum signal up to 16 fully functional proportional channels, instead of 8, can
be used to control functions.
The sum signal output of the receiver is connected to
„Prop #8“ (X2/8)
at the USM-
If the USM-RC-3 receives a correct sum signal, the blue LED will flash at regular
Using the Sound-Teacher all 16 channels of the sum signal can be assigned to one
of the 16 propotional channels of the USM-RC-3.