For your safety
Version: 2.1
eXtended Transport System
For your safety
Read this chapter containing general safety information. The chap-
ters in these operating instructions also contain warning notices. Al-
ways observe the safety instructions for your own safety, the safety
of other persons and the safety of the product.
When working with control and automation products, many dangers
can result from careless or incorrect use. Work particularly thor-
oughly, not under time pressure and responsibly towards other peo-
General safety instruc-
This chapter provides you with instructions on safety when handling
the XTS. This system is not capable of stand-alone operation and is
therefore categorized as an incomplete machine. The XTS must be
installed in a machine/plant by the machine manufacturer. The doc-
umentation created by the machine manufacturer must be read.
Before operation
Danger from magnetic fields
The magnetic fields of some of the components of the XTS are dan-
gerous to:
• people fitted with cardiac pacemakers
• persons with magnetically conducting implants
• implanted and external defibrillators
• magnetic data storage devices, chip cards with magnetic strips
and other electronic devices
Maintain a safety distance of 500 mm to all magnetic parts and pre-
vent direct contact between magnetic parts and parts that are sensi-
tive to interference.
Observe the requirements of BGV B 11 for electromagnetic fields
(Germany) and applicable national regulations in other countries.
Use SELV/PELV output voltages
Operate all electronic modules and components in the drive system
only with a SELV (Safety Extra Low Voltage) or PELV (Protective
Extra Low Voltage) output voltage.
Keep the surroundings clean
Keep your workplace and the surrounding area clean. Ensure safe
working. Prevent the ingress of dirt into the XTS modules.
Secure the control cabinet
When working on machines, secure the control cabinet against inad-
vertent power-up.
Do not use damaged modules
Observe the specifications in the technical data during storage,
transport and operation. Do not use damaged modules.
Check safety pictograms
Check whether the designated pictograms are on the product. Re-
place missing or illegible stickers.
Observe the tightening torques
Install connections and components in compliance with the specified
tightening torques and check them regularly.
Earth electrical components or modules correctly
Do not touch electrical components or assemblies unless you are
wearing protective ESD clothing. Only walk on conductive floors.