Parameterization and commissioning
Version: 3.5
CANopen Master Network management
Automatic CANopen StartUp
After the startup (EL6751: switch-over after SAFEOP) the CANopen master sends a Reset Communication
All Nodes command. This is followed by an individual startup for each configured CANopen slave:
Upload Device
Type 0x1000
The object 0x1000 of the
CANopen slaves is read and
compared with the
configured value
This SDO is active by default and can be switched off via
the configuration (see Advanced button in tab
Manager). If the SDO is active, the startup is aborted if a
value other than the configured value is read.
Upload Vendor ID
The entry 0x1018:01 of the
CANopen slave is read and
compared with the
configured value, if this not
equal 0.
This SDO is always active in
equal 0 is entered in the CAN node tab for the box in the
System Manager. If the SDO is active, the startup is
aborted if a value other than the configured value is read.
Upload Product
Code 0x1018:02
The entry 0x1018:02 of the
CANopen slave is read and
compared with the
configured value, if this not
equal 0.
This SDO is always active in
not equal 0 is entered in the CAN node tab for the box in
the System Manager. If the SDO is active, the startup is
aborted if a value other than the configured value is read.
Upload Revision
Number 0x1018:03
The entry 0x1018:03 of the
CANopen slave is read and
compared with the
configured value, if this not
equal 0.
Bus Couplers,
not equal 0 is entered in the CAN node tab for the box in
the System Manager. If the SDO is active, the startup is
aborted if a value other than the configured value is read.
Upload Serial
Number 0x1018:04
The entry 0x1018:04 of the
CANopen slave is read and
compared with the
configured value, if this not
equal 0.
Bus Couplers,
not equal 0 is entered in the CAN node tab for the box in
the System Manager. If the SDO is active, the startup is
aborted if a value other than the configured value is read.
Download SYNC
cycle Time 0x1006
The SYNC cycle time is
written to object 0x1006 of
the CANopen slave, if the
SYNC message is sent (the
SYNC message is sent if at
least one synchronous PDO
is configured for any slave).
This SDO is active by default if the SYBC message is sent
and can be switched off via the configuration (see
Advanced button in tab
for the box in the System Manager). If the SDO is active,
the startup is aborted if an SDO abort has occurred.
Download PDO ID
(y:01 or
The COB-ID is written to for
each configured PDO.
These SDOs are active by default for general
and can be switched off via the
tab. For Bus Couplers the PDOs are configured via
object 0x5500. Therefore these SDOs are not active for
Bus Couplers.