Parameterization and commissioning
Version: 3.5
Fig. 96: CAN interface process image
Message structure with 29-bit support
• Length (0..8)
◦ CobId
o Bit 0-28: 29 Bit-Identifier
o Bit 30: RTR
o Bit 31: 0: normal Message (11 Bit Identifier), 1: extended Message (29 Bit-Identifier)
◦ Data[8]
Message structure without 29-bit support
• CobId
o Bit 0-3: Length (0..8)
o Bit 4: RTR
o Bit 5-15: 11 Bit-Identifier
• Data[8]
The "CAN Rx Filter" tab of the CAN interface box in the TwinCAT tree is used for the setting of the filter for
the Rx messages (default: all messages are received).
After clicking the "Append..." button, the following dialog appears: