Parameterization and commissioning
Version: 3.5
Sync-Tx-PDO Delay
Directly after the SYNC telegram, the synchronized slaves send their input data/actual values. The EL6751
can delay the transmission of the output data or setpoint values (TxPDOs from the point of view of the
terminal) in order to minimize the telegram burst directly after the SYNC. This delay is set in percent of the
SYNC cycle time with the parameter Sync-Tx-PDO -Delay.
Fig. 92: Diagram: Sync-Tx-PDO-Delay sample
Task Cycle Time = 2000µs, Sync Cycle Multiplier = 5, Sync Tx-PDO Delay =40. Event-controlled PDOs can
be processed by the PLC task every 2 ms; the CANopen sync cycle is 10 ms; the EL6751 transmits its
synchronous PDOs 4 ms (= 40% of 10 ms) after the SYNC.
Input Shift Time [EL6751 only]
Specifies the fraction of the EtherCAT cycle (in %) after which the inputs in the EtherCAT slave controller are
updated. The later this is the case, the shorter the dead time from receipt of a TxPDO until the time when the
associated input data of the task are available. The minimum time to be maintained between the start of the
input update and the next EtherCAT cycle is the CalcAndCopy time (0x1C33:06), which depends on the
number of configured CAN slaves and can be measured in OPERATIONAL state (set entry 0x1C32:08 to 1,
then read entry 0x1C33:06).
This function searches for all existing channels of the EL6751 and the desired one can be selected.
Hardware Configuration... [FC510x only]
In which the address is set in the lower memory area (below 1 MB) of the PC.
Upload Configuration
This function scans the CANopen network and all devices found are added to the EL6751 (no box may be
appended). In the case of Beckhoff boxes, reads the configuration precisely. In the case of external devices,
the PDO configuration and the identity object are read and evaluated. This function is possible only in Config