1-second UPS (persistent variables)
Version: 2.8
File name
TCPLC_P_x.wbp Boot project (x = number of the run-time system)
TCPLC_S_x.wbp Packed source code (x = number of the runtime system)
TCPLC_R_x.wbp RETAIN variables (x = number of the runtime system)
PERSISTENT variables (x = number of the runtime system)
TCPLC_R_x.wb~ Backup copy of the RETAIN variables (x = number of the runtime system)
Backup copy of the PERSISTENT variables (x = number of the runtime system)
If the persistent or retain variables are not loaded, e.g. because they are invalid, the backup file is loaded by
default. In that case bit 1 of the bootDataFlags (for the RETAIN variables) in the PLC and/or bit 5 (for the
PERSISTENT variables) is set.
A registry setting can be used to determine whether the backup file is deleted or used. The backup file is
used by default (setting 0). If the backup file is to be deleted, the value of "ClearInvalidRetainData" or
"ClearInvalidPersistentData" must be set to 1 in the registry under:
the value of "ClearInvalidRetainData" or of "ClearInvalidPersistentData" must be set to 1.
Whether the backup file is to be used can also be set in the TwinCAT System Manager in the tree structure
on the left under
PLC > PLC Settings
The backup files are deleted if the option
Clear Invalid Retain Data
Clear Invalid Persistent Data
is set
in the System Manager. Corresponds to registry entry 1.
Development environment
Target platform
PLC libraries to be linked
TwinCAT v2.7.0
PC or CX (x86)
TwinCAT v2.8.0
PC or CX (x86)
TwinCAT v2.10.0 Build >= 1301
Each PLC contains an instance of type 'PlcAppSystemInfo' with the name '_AppInfo'.
The corresponding namespace is 'TwinCAT_SystemInfoVarList'. This must be specified for use in a library,
for example.
TYPE PlcAppSystemInfo
ObjId : OTCID;
TaskCnt : UDINT;
OnlineChangeCnt : UDINT;
Flags : DWORD;
AdsPort : UINT;