Version: 1.1
FCC approvals for the United States of America
FCC: Federal Communications Commission Radio Frequency Interference Statement
This device was tested and complies with the limits for a digital device of class A, according part 15 of the
FCC regulations. These limits are designed to provide adequate protection against adverse interference, if
the device is used in a commercial environment. This device generates, uses and may emit radio frequency
energy and may cause adverse interference with radio communications, if it is not installed and used in
accordance with the operating instructions. If this device is used in a residential area it is likely to cause
adverse interference, in which case the user must take appropriate countermeasures in order to eliminate
the interference at his own expense.
FCC approvals for Canada
FCC: Canadian Notice
This device does not exceed the class A limits for radiation, as specified by the Radio Interference
Regulations of the Canadian Department of Communications.