not to be part of the construction;
particular for trusses with connecting plates;
minimum 8.8 grade
Truss that are used regularly should be inspected according to regular and periodic inspections.
All truss and truss constructions that are installed stationary and permanently should be inspected according periodic inspections.
Permanently installed but moving truss constructions should be inspected once per 3 years.
The client should keep a register of initial inspections and periodic inspections for each truss element, with written date and signature by the person who
made the inspection.
Beside the fact that it is required to use the truss properly during assembly, disassembly, transport storage etc. regular inspections are very important. A
detailed visual check of each element before each use should be done. The regular inspections and written records should be done at least once a year by
a competent person. However if the truss is used very often the inspection should be done more frequently.
If there any deficiencies during the inspection of the truss it has to be taken out of service and recycled. The criteria to discard the truss should be
implemented into the inspection process.
Due to it’s nature, The aluminium truss can have some dimensional deviation comparing
to original dimensions within the limits given in EN 1090-3.
If any of the below criteria below occur the truss should be taken out of service. In case of any doubt please contact the manufacturer/distributor.
Missing sticker with truss types, manufacturer info and production date.
Any deformation of the truss exceeding the allowable limits.
More than 10% reduction of the raised level of the welding seam by mechanical wear.
More than 10% reduced cross-sectional area of the truss due to excessive corrosion.
Any damaged part should be clearly marked and taken out of service.