BD FACSFlow Supply System User’s Guide
Product description
The BD FACSFlow supply system is an automated sheath and
waste fluid control system designed for use with
BD LSRFortessa™ flow cytometers.
This topic describes the system and its components.
The BD FACSFlow supply system is For Research Use Only and is
not for use in diagnostic or therapeutic procedures. The system has
not been validated for clinical use.
The BD FACSFlow supply system houses 20-L sheath fluid and
waste cubitainers. Electronic cables and tubing connect the
BD FACSFlow supply system to the sheath plenum.
The photo shows the BD FACSFlow supply system and its
associated parts. The system includes:
BD FACSFlow supply system unit
Four-liter sheath plenum for the cytometer, stored in an
enclosure. See
Sheath plenum enclosure (page 16)
The sheath plenum is called the modified sheath
container in the
BD FACSFlow Supply System Safety and
Limitations Guide
Probe sets and tubing with color-coded connectors
Probe holders
The system ships with a 10-L plastic container for use as a
waste container. You can use an empty sheath cubitainer for waste
as soon as one becomes available. This increases the capacity for
waste collection and requires fewer changes. Make sure to add
waste labels to the cubitainer to clearly indicate that it contains
waste and must be handled accordingly.