BDDF00160 Issue 1
Alaris™ GW Volumetric Pumps
IrDA, RS232 and Nurse Call Specification
IrDA, RS232 and Nurse Call Specification
RS232 / IrDA Feature
The RS232 / IrDA feature is a standard feature on Alaris GW 800 Volumetric Pump . It allows the Pump to be monitored remotely via a
suitable central monitoring or computer system . It also enables the internal event log of the Pump to be downloaded for technical
support purposes .
The nurse call interface provides a remote backup to the internal audible alarm. It should not be relied upon to
replace monitoring of the internal alarm.
Refer to the Technical Service Manual for further information regarding the RS232 interface. Since it is possible to
control the Pump using the RS232 interface at some distance from the Pump and hence remote from the patient,
responsibility for the control of the Pump is vested in the software run on the computer control system.
The assessment for the suitability of any software used in the clinical environment to control or receive data from
the Pump lies with the user of the equipment. This software should include detection of the disconnection or other
failure of the RS232 cable. The protocol is detailed in the Technical Service Manual and is for general information
Any connected analogue and digital components are required to meet IEC/EN60950 for data processing and IEC/
EN60601 for medical devices. Anyone connecting additional devices to the signal input or output is a system
configurator and responsible for meeting the requirements of the system standard IEC/EN60601-1-1.
Nurse Call Feature
The nurse call interface is for connection to a suitable monitoring device in order to provide remote indication of the Pump entering an
alarm condition .
RS232 / Nurse Call Connection Data
Typical Connection Data -
1 . Nurse call (Relay) Normally Closed (NC C)
2 . Transmit Data (TXD) Output
3 . Received Data (RXD) Input
4 . Power Input (DSR)
5 . Ground (GND)
6 . Not used
7 . Power Input (CTS)
8 . Nurse call (Relay) Normally open (NC O)
9 . Nurse call (Relay) Common (NC COM)