7.4.17. Parameter 65000: Preset Value
A preset operation in data formats of the PROFIdrive profile (telegrams 81 to 83) will set the position of the
encoder to the preset value.
This parameter is without significance when using manufacturer-specific output formats 860 and 870
(telegrams 860 and 870).
current preset value
Parameter 65000
Type Read / Write
Data type int32 (0x04)
Value range signed 32 bit
Data: 65000[0] Preset Value
Preset value is written in the encoder (volatile only).
Parameter 65000
Type Read / Write
Data type int32 (0x04)
Value range signed 32 bit
Data: 65000[0] Preset Value
Since firmware version 1.3.0 this has to be considered:
If a preset
value which is larger than the total measuring range is written the alarm “preset out of range” (with
alarm code 0x0201) is reported.
7.4.18. Parameter 65001: Operating status
current operation status and parameters
Parameter 65001
Type Read-only
Data type UINT32 (0x07)
Value range n/a
Data: 65001[0] 0x00010101
Header Info
65001[1] 0x0000002A
Operating Status (*)
65001[2] 0x00000000
Faults (**)
65001[3] 0x00000001
Supported Faults
65001[4] 0x00000000
Warnings (**)
65001[5] 0x00000000
Supported Warnings
65001[6] 0x00000401
Encoder Profile (*)
65001[7] 0x00000000
Operating Time (****)
65001[8] 0x00000000
Preset Offset (***)
65001[9] 0x00002000
Steps per Revolution (*)
65001[10] 0x20000000
Total Measuring Range (*)
65001[11] 0x00000003
Speed Scale (*)
(*) example only (depends on user configuration)
(**) example only (error-free status)
(***) example only (depending on preset), supported since firmware version 1.3.0
(****) Value 0xFFFFFFFF means that function is not supported. Since firmware version 1.3.0 the operating
time is supported. The operating time value is presented in steps of 0,1 hours (6 minutes). A value of 20
would mean that the encoder has been running for 2 hours.