Battery Watering Technologies NTHANDP Instruction Manual Download Page 1

Instruction Manual for  Part # NTHANDP

Manual Pump

T: 336-714-0448

F: 336-714-0449

G: 877-522-5431


•  Always wear personal protective equipment (goggles, gloves, etc.) to 

protect yourself from sulfuric acid.

•  Only water after charging.
•  Do not store hand pump in battery compartment
•  Read instructions in entirety before beginning the installation.

Operation Instructions:

1. Fully charge the batteries. This must be done 

before water is added to the batteries to avoid 

electrolyte loss. 

2. Insert the pump assembly end into a just of 

distilled water.

3. Remove the dust cap from the watering system 

fill tube. Connect it to the manual pump 

connector by inserting it into the quick connect.

4. Squeeze the bulb on the manual pump to begin 

filling the battery cells with water. When the 

bulb becomes hard and the valve indicator eyes 

have risen, all of the cells are full.

5. Disconnect the manual pump connector from 

the watering system and replace the dust cap. 

