BE1-47N Testing
the following table.
Sensing Input Range
Input Voltage
E3 - 120V/60 Hertz
E4 - 100V/50 Hertz
E5 - 208V/60 Hertz
E6 - 173V/50 Hertz
16.628 +0.17 Vac, 60 Hertz
13.856 +0.14 Vac, 50 Hertz
28.80 +0.29 Vac, 60 Hertz
24.00 +0.24 Vac, 50 Hertz
NOTE: Input voltage values are at 2 times actual pickup value.
STEP 5. Measure and record the interval from initiate to contact closure at case terminals #1 and #10.
RESULT: 47N Inverse Time should be 5.96 +0.298 seconds.
Further points on the inverse time curves may be verified using the same philosophy. Input voltage values
for pickup may be obtained using the formulas mentioned previously.
Figure 5-1. Test Circuit Diagram (47N)
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