Sensor Readings
The WeatherBoss comes standard with a wind speed, temperature and optical rain sensor.
Other optional sensors include a wind direction sensor, light sensor, and humidity sensor. See more
information below about each sensor and how the information is used.
Rain Sensor
The optical rain sensor is used to sense when there is rain. When the sensor detects enough run
off, the alarm will activate. If the WeatherBoss is connected via CIS or Radio Link, it will close the
selected vents to Step 1. The output will remain activated until the moisture level drops below the rain
sensitivity level.
Wind Sensor/Alarm
The wind sensor is used to measure wind speed and alert when the wind speed has surpassed
the Activation Speed. There are two alarms so there can be low and high speed alarms from different
directions. If the optional directional sensor is attached, alarm can be activated based off the direction
of the wind as well. The wind speed must remain above the activation speed for the length of time
specified by the activate delay setting. The wind alarm will remain activated until the wind speed drops
below the drop out set point wind speed (Drop Speed). The wind speed must remain below the Drop
Speed for the length of time specified by the Drop Delay setting. The WeatherBoss will default to
reading N (North) for wind direction if a standard anemometer is being used.
High Activation Speed
If the wind speed is greater than the High Activation Speed the alarm
will activate. When the alarm activates, the environmental controller will close any open vents
to the first programmed position. Choose your vent settings in the Headgrower App/Desktop or
through CIS. The activation set point may be programmed for any wind speed between 0 and
99 miles per hour (0 and 159 kilometers per hour).
Low Activation Speed -
If the wind speed is greater than the Low Activation Speed the alarm will
activate. When the alarm activates, the environmental controller will close any open vents to
the first programmed position. Choose your vent settings in the Headgrower App/Desktop or
through CIS. The activation set point may be programmed for any wind speed between 0 and 99
miles per hour (0 and 159 kilometers per hour).
***When a directional wind sensor is used, the high and low activation speeds can be used to
set different activation points for different wind directions. For example: N, NW, W, and SW can
all be set to activate at the High Activation Speed, while S, SE, E, and NE can all be set to activate
at the Low Activation Speed.
Activate Delay -
The activate delay is the length of time that the wind speed will need to be
above the activation set point for the alarm to activate. When the alarm activates, the
environmental controller will close any open roof vents to the first programmed position. The
activation delay may be programmed from 00:00 (MM:SS) to 99:99 (99 minutes:99 seconds).