Rev. 1.2 (04.2020)
Schematic 3: Defining amplitude with external components.
The relation of the voltage at the AMP-pin vs. the output voltage is shown in the picture below. It shows a gain of
approx. 200:1 between reference voltage and output voltage.
OEM-Behavior 1: Output voltage changed with external components.
Unlike the mp6-OEM, the frequency on the mp6-XOEM cannot be selected via external capacitor. This can only be
done my supplying a clock signal to the CLK-pin witch is shown in the next chapter.
Operation with variable settings via microcontroller
Using a microcontroller to operate the micropump, a square wave signal (0V-VDD; 50% duty-cycle) with four times
the desired output frequency has to be supplied to the CLK Pin.
The amplitude can be set with an analog voltage between 0 V and 1.25 V. Voltages above 1.25V up to VDD are
allowed and keep the output voltage at maximum.
For minimizing the power consumption, the mp6-XOEM can be switched off. To do this, apply a 0V signal to the