6. Getting started
The window opens and shows now the projector.
Image 6-22
2. release the mouse button.
The projector will then process the file according to the setting of the drop mode.
How to drop a file using the Open dialog box ?
1. Click on the upper button.
A browser is displayed. Choose a file to send to the projector.
The projector will then process the file according to the setting of the drop mode.
What to do with the launched files once disconnected ?
The previously dropped files are placed in a local directly on the server, one may choose to delete them or not.
1. Click on the arrow to pull down the installation menu.
2. Click on the
A dialog box is displayed.
Image 6-23
3. Check the box to destroy the launched files once disconnected.
Open remotely a file on the projector
How to open a file on the projector ?
1. Click on the lower button of the DropZone interface
A browser is displayed. Select the file to be projected.
R5976821 BARCO ICON 15/03/2007