6.5 Viewing license information
The license information of the terminal OS can be retrieved using the PPC image (Linux image) that can be down-
loaded from the B&R website (
). License information about Automation Runtime is not
included at this location, however.
1. In Automation Studio, upgrade the PPC image (Linux image) of the Power Panel.
2. The ZIP file with the licenses (
) is typically located in the local folder:
C:\BrAutomation\AS\[PanelSeries]\[PanelVariant]\V[Terminal OS ImageVersion]
[PanelSeries]: E.g. PPC, PPT, PMT or PFT
[PanelVariant]: E.g. 30, 50 or 80
[Terminal-OS ImageVersion]: Version of the Linux image (not the version of the hardware upgrade)
3. Unpack the ZIP file.
For technical reasons, the ZIP file may contain files with the same name. This should be taken into account
when unpacking the ZIP file.
4. After unpacking, the license files can be viewed in folder
The ZIP file with the license information can also be downloaded from the B&R website (
Power Panel C80 User's manual V1.02