Commissioning • Connection examples
Chapter 3
Automation PC 810 with GM45 CPU board user's manual V1.28
5 Connection examples
The following examples provide an overview of the configuration options for connecting Automation Panel 800
and Automation Panel 900 and/or Automation Panel 800 devices with the APC810. The following questions will
be answered:
How are Automation Panel 900 devices connected to the monitor / panel output of the APC810, and what
needs to be considered?
How are Automation Panel 800 devices connected to the monitor / panel output of the APC810, and what
needs to be considered?
How are Automation Panel 900 devices connected simultaneously to the Monitor / Panel output on the
optional SDL AP Link of the APC810 and what needs to be considered?
What are "Display Clone" and "Extended Desktop" modes?
How many Automation Panel 900 devices can be connected per line?
How many Automation Panel 900 devices can be connected to an Automation Panel 800 device per line?
How are the connected devices internally numbered?
Are there limitations to the segment length and if so, what are they?
What cables and link modules are needed?
Do BIOS settings have to be changed for a specific configuration?
5.1 Selecting the display units
If an Automation Panel 800 and an Automation Panel 900 should be connected on the same line, the devices must
have the same display type. The following table lists the AP900 devices that can be connected on the same line
with an AP800 device.
Automation Panel 800
Automation Panel 900
Table 132: Selecting the display units