Installation and wiring
5.2 Installation cutout requirements
When installing the panel, it is important to ensure that the surface and wall thickness meet the following conditions:
Properties of the installation cutout
Permissible deviation from the evenness
This condition must also be met with the device installed.
≤0.5 mm
Permitted surface roughness in the area of the seal
≤120 µm (R z 120)
Min. wall thickness
2 mm
Max. wall thickness
6 mm
The degree of protection of the device (see technical data) can only be maintained if the device is
installed in an appropriate housing with at least the same degree of protection per the above require-
The device must ultimately be installed in a protective housing with sufficient rigidity (per UL 61010-1
and UL 61010-2-201).
5.3 Mounting an Automation Panel 1000 with retaining clips
The Automation Panel 1000 is mounted in the cutout using retaining clips. The number of retaining clips depends
on the panel.
The following Automation Panel 1000 systems are mounted using retaining clips:
The thickness of the wall or cabinet plate must be between 2 mm and 6 mm.
A large flat-blade screwdriver is needed to tighten and loosen the screws. The maximum tightening torque for the
retaining clips is 0.5 Nm.
Devices must be installed on a flat, clean and burr-free surface; uneven areas can cause damage to the display
when the screws are tightened or the intrusion of dust and water.
1. Insert the device into the front of the prepared, burr-free and flat installation cutout. For the dimensions of the
installation cutout, see the individual
2. Place the pressure frame (included in delivery) on the B&R device.
Automation Panel 1000 - Hygienic design user's manual V2.00