Your Centerfielder provides a centralized
s ource of charging control for twin engine
applications where two alternators and two
regulators are us ed to charge a s ingle battery
bank. The Centerfield s ens es when only one
engine is running. When the s econd engine is
s tarted, the Centerfielder determines which
regulator' s field current is dominant, and directs that f
ield current to both alternators . This even dis tribution of
field current ens ures that both alternators deliver comparable percentages of their available capacities .
Outputs may vary bas ed on engine rpm' s , com
parative alternator s ize, and dis tances fr
om dominant regulator
to alternators . For bes t performance, regulators us ed s hould be identical.
In addition to its ability to equalize regulation to both alternators , the Centerfielder provides the as s urance
that both alternators will continue to s upply your batteries with charging amperage, s hould either s tarboar
d or
port s ide regulators fail.
The Centerfielder is designed for use ONLY with Balmar MC-612 or MC624 regulators.
The Centerfielder is remarkably eas y to ins tall. You will find, included with the Centerfielder, a collection of
s pade and wire tap connectors needed for ins tallation, as w
ell as two fus ed 12 ga. replacement wires f
or the
regulator wiring harnes s es (s ee s t
ep 6). Field wires (12-gauge), gr
ound wire (12-gauge) and ignition wires (1
gauge) are us er s upplied. T
o ins tall:
1. Dis connect batteries or turn battery s witches to their " Off" pos i-
tions .
2. Ins tall the Centerfielder on a flat s urface (bulkhead) mid dis tance
between the two alternators .
3. Determine the dis tances required for wire runs between the
Centerfielder and the regulator wiring harnes s es as indicat
ed on
the wiring illus tration on the revers e s ide of this s heet.
4. Connect the s pade terminals as s hown, and plug appropriate wires
as illus trated in the diagram below.
5. Us ing the wire taps included, connect the us er s upplied wires t
the appropriate wires in the port and s tarboard s ide wiring har-
nes s es . Taps s hould be located within one inch (1" ) of the regula-
tors .
6. Remove the exis ting red power wire from the regulator harnes s
and replace with the 12-ga. 15-amp fus ed red wire included with
the Centerfielder. Reconnect at the regulator and s ource of battery
7. Re-connect batteries and s tart engines . The indicator LEDs will
light as the Centerfielder s elects the dominant regulat
or' s field cur-
Ce nte rf ie lde r
Ins ta lla tion a nd Ope ra tor’s Ma nua l