Overview of IO-Link data and functions (continued)
System commands
Command Value
Device Action
0x7E (232)
Start Locator
0x7F (233)
Stop Locator
0x80 (128)
Device Reset
– Device Reset means a warm start of the device. During this process, the
microcontrollers are restarted and all initializations performed again without any change made to the
parameter values (see section 7.3 on page 133).
0x81 (129)
Application Reset
0x82 (130)
Restore Factory Settings
0x83 (131)
Back-to-box – Resets the detection time duration to its default value.
0xA5 (165)
Maintenance Reset
0xA6 (166)
Switching Counter Reset
– Resets counter value and flags.
0xAF (175)
Start Device Discovery
0xC0 (192)
Set Reference Orientation
– Sets the reference orientation of the actual position of the device.
Responses: ACK: command successful, reference stored.
0xC1 (193)
Acknowledge User Parameter Reset
– Acknowledge message and restore the correct device
Tab. 3-2: System commands – Overview
BCM R16E-004-CI0 _ - _ _ , _-S4
Condition Monitoring Sensor