Chapter 8. HART Communications
Communications Options User’s Guide
8.2 Installing the HART Option Card (cont.)stalling the HART Option Card (cont.)
For a GF868 flowmeter, the option card connector is mounted on the card, and the HART device leads should go to
pins 1 and 2 of this connector. As for other option cards installed in the same meter as the HART option card, the HART
device will not recognize any option card installed in Slots 3-5 and it will only recognize option cards installed in Slots
1-2 if they are Analog Input, Analog Output, or RTD option cards.
For XGM868i, XGS868i and XMT868i flow meters the HART device connections are found on the PCB output for
HART card installed in Slot 2. Note the polarity of signals (pin 1 HART+, pin2 HART- on Figure 54 below.
Figure 54: PCB Output for HART Card
8.3 Flowmeter Software Setup
Panametrics flowmeters that are shipped with a factory-installed HART option card require no special setup
procedures by the user. The meter automatically configures itself for HART communication on startup. However, for
field-installation of a HART option card, the card must be configured in the factory test menu before it will be
recognized by the meter. Thereafter, the initialization will be automatic on startup. Contact the factory for specific
In addition to setting up the HART option card so that it is recognized by the meter, the analog output of the option
card may be configured using any of the following methods (if available):
The flowmeter keypad
Instrument Data Manager (IDM™) software
PanaView™ graphical user interface software
The HART device
Because HART communication is unreliable at analog outputs below 4 mA, the flowmeter automatically
changes a HART option card analog output configuration of 0-20 mA or OFF to a 4-20 mA configuration upon
startup. Check to make sure that the analog output configuration is set to 4-20mA. If for some reason, it has
not been automatically changed, set it to 4-20mA from the front panel.