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CPU (Central Processing Unit)
The CPU described in this manual is a Tektronix Model XP400.
Specifications for this CPU are listed at the end of this section
and in the manufacturer’s manuals.
IIOIC421 Tabletop Console
The hardware of the tabletop console is located in a moveable
case which sits on a work surface . The power supply and mul-
tibus keyboard module (IIMKM02A, also referred to as the
MKM) are in the case. The monitor is mounted on top of the
case and the keyboard interface assembly is located below the
monitor. The monitor can tilt and swivel.
The rear connector panel has an AC input, alarm relays, con-
nectors for monitor cables and a power switch. The front panel
has the connectors for peripheral operator input devices and a
tune-off-configuration keyswitch. The CPU is located inside
the table on a shelf. Access the connections from the rear of
the cabinet. The alarm relays are for alarm annunciation only.
IIOIC4221 and IIOIC4222 Console
The hardware of the OIC422 console is very similar to the OIS
console. There are several differences. The CPU has only a
multibus keyboard module, it does not have a CIU, and it does
not have a floppy disk drive or hard disk drive.
The annunciator display panel and keyboard interface assem-
bly are located to the right of the monitor. The power entry
panel is mounted in a vertical position in the lower part of the
cabinet. The multibus card cage and MKM module are to the
left of the power entry panel. The console may have a lower
monitor or an upper monitor.
IIOIC423 Environmental Cabinet
The environmental cabinet contains a monitor, power entry
panel, operator keyboard, annunciator display panel and
interface similar to the console model, 19-inch panel mount
and 19-inch tabletop model.
Table 1-1. IIOIC42 Models
Tabletop with 19-inch monitor
Console with lower monitor
Console with upper monitor
Environmental cabinet
Panel mounted