Instruction for Use HISTO TYPE Rainbow QS6
Version: 02/2021
Page 10 of 16
3) If the excel file has not been set up in the
QuantStudio™ 6 Flex System with the PT prefix
number it should now be given the correct prefix obtained when the sample idenity and run
identity was entered into PlexTyper
Evaluation and interpretation of the results
For evaluation and interpretation of the data it is mandatory to use the PlexTyper
(available free of charge from BAG Diagnostics) in conjunction with the kit specific data files. The kit
files required for the evaluation are available from the BAG Diagnostics download server
Please make a note of the lot number of the kit. The interpretation kit files are product and lot
specific. Use of incorrect kit files could result in incorrect genotyping. For interpretation of the results
the raw data must be transferred from the thermocycler to a computer running the PlexTyper
software (e.g. with a suitable USB drive).
HISTO TYPE Rainbow QS6 is a 5-channel, 96 well multiplex genotyping test. It is possible to view
data on the amplification machine software, but it is not possible to interpret without use of the
software. For
QuantStudio™ 6 Flex System analysis colour compensation must be