BACtrack Mobile Breathalyzer Getting Started Download Page 1

Step 1.

Step 2.


Mobile Breathalyzer: Getting Started

The BACtrack Mobile Breathalyzer is a quick, convenient and reliable tool for 
estimating the level of alcohol in your blood. When paired with a Bluetooth 
4.0-enabled Apple mobile device, it can estimate your blood alcohol content (BAC) 
with professional-grade accuracy and deliver an unrivaled amount of information 
regarding your drinking habits.

Step 1: Pair Your Breathalyzer

Download the free BACtrack app at or the Apple App Store. 
Go to the Settings on your mobile device and if needed, turn on Bluetooth.
Turn on your BACtrack Mobile Breathalyzer.
Go to the BACtrack app, and from the app screen, click “Pair Your BACtrack.”
The app will automatically connect to BACtrack via Bluetooth. 

Step 2: Take a Reading

Click “Take a Reading.”
To ensure accurate results, it is important to wait at least 15 minutes after 
smoking, eating or drinking before testing.

Step 3: Prepare Device

A countdown clock appears while 
the sensor in your BACtrack 
Mobile Breathalyzer warms up.

Step 4: Blow into Breathalyzer

When the screen reads “Blow Now,” 
take a deep breath and blow into your 
breathalyzer firmly and continuously 
until all the bars on screen are 
illuminated. You will be blowing for 
about five seconds.

Step 5: View Results

Once your BACtrack Mobile Breathalyzer 
has analyzed the breath sample, it 
will communicate the reading to your 
mobile device, and your Blood Alcohol 
Content (BAC) estimate will be displayed 
on screen. 

