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The DataPlot model PM1320 Print Mechanism incorporates a 
fixed-dot thermal printhead with 320 heat element dots 
arrayed in a single line across the width of the paper. The 
mechanism holds a supply roll of thermal paper and causes 
that paper to move past the printhead in steps of 
approximately .005 inch. When driven by the DataPlot 
CB1320 Printer Control Board, the print mechanism steps the 
paper forward, pausing after each step to heat selected dots. In 
this manner, a dot matrix representation of alphanumeric 
and/or graphic data can be printed. 



The 320 thermal dot elements are uniformly spaced 150 dots 
per inch, or approximately .0067 inches apart. The total print 
width is 2.13 inches, centered on the paper. The dot matrix 
has a pitch,  therefore, of .0067” across the width of the 
paper by .005” along its length. 


This print mechanism is designed to operate properly and 
reliably when driven by the B-G Instruments’ DataPlot model 
CB1320 Control Board or another board specifically 
approved by B -G Instruments for that purpose. Attempting to 
operate this print mechanism in any other way may cause 
permanent damage to its components that would not be 
covered by warranty. With all system power off, attach the 
supplied ribbon cable between the 26-pin printhead connector 
and connector J4 on the control board, being sure to observe 
correct polarity by aligning the red dots on the connectors 
with those on the cable cads. Also connect the 8-pin stepper 
motor cable to connector J 1 on the control board. This 
connector is keyed to facilitate correct polarity assembly. 
Refer to the CB1320 data sheet for instructions for applying 
power and operating the printer. 



The DataPlot model PM1320 print mechanism is designed to 
be mounted to a horizontal support platform, as shown 

here, using 6-32 screws. 
Mating PEM nuts are set 
into the print mechanism 
chassis. (See the drawing 
on the reverse side of this 
sheet for mounting 
dimensions.) Usually a 
housing cover is provided 
for appearance and to 
protect the mechanism. 
Such a cover must include a slot, positioned to permit the 
paper to exit freely. Many cabinet designers also provide a 
transparent tear-off bar to facilitate tearing the paper a short 
distance away from the platen. This makes it easy to lift the 
paper from the platen when printing resumes. 



A paper sensor in the PM1320 provides signals that are used 
by the CB1320 Control Board to stop printing when the paper 
runs out and to “autoload” a new paper roll. To load the 
printer, be sure the power is on and insert the paper end into 
the paper feed slot beneath the platen from the rear. Be sure 
the sensitive side (outside on roll) is away from the platen. 
When the paper is fully inserted, the platen will run, pulling 
about 2 inches of paper through. 

DataPlot Print Mechanism 

Model PM1320 

Technical Data and Instructions 

Release A, March 15, 2000 
